EditorJack schreef:
Esteemed LyXers:

Let me try this again. Help > LyX Functions notes the following:

LFUN_WORD_REPLACE Action: Replace a string in the document. Syntax: word-replace [<DATA>]
Params: <DATA>: data is of the form "<search>
<casesensitive> <matchword> <all> <forward>" Origin Andre, Jan 7 2004 ---------------------------

Both <search> and <replace> are followed by a newline character--the one you
get if you press CTRL + ENTER in LyX. But I can't for the life of me figure
out how to get that character into the minibuffer or into a command sequence
in stdtoolbars.inc in my user directory.

Really, how does one use that particular LFun (LFUN_WORD_REPLACE) at all?
Under what circumstances *could* it be used if not in the minibuffer or in a
command sequence?

Thanks for *any* help. I really appreciate it.

I thought I already answered this last time.

You can't use it, unless you use some trick.


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