stefano franchi a écrit :
I would like to use the Koma-Script 2 letter template that's available with
LyX and I'm trying to customize it to my needs. What I cannot figure out,
even with the help of the Komascript manual, is how to eliminate the section
of the header that comes after, and indeed repeats, the sender's data. In
the koma-letter2.lyx  template, that would be the part (which you can only
see in the final output) at the top of the page which says
"The LYX Developers Team · 140 Map Road · SVN City"
and it is followed by  a horizontal rule.
Any help appreciated.
I think it's the backaddress, a german post office requirement, that you can eliminate by uncommenting the line in Document->Settings->Preamble that reads
%,backaddress=false%  print the back address?


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