Grande Ludovico!!! I'll try to try it this weekend. Thanks a lot.
Julio Rojas

On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 5:10 PM, Ludovico Rossi <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm a Lyx user who experienced the autosave crashing issue on Snow Leopard.
> Based on what I've read in this mailing list and in other user reports, I've
> built the source available here
> manually disabling HAVE_FORK, and then I've used this custom build without
> experiencing any crash. I'm sharing the binary in case somebody finds it
> useful:
> I'm not involved in any Lyx development and I've never built Lyx before, so
> this is absolutely not intended as the best or official way to solve the
> problem: if this binary works for you, consider it a quick-and-dirty
> workaround until an official new version is released. Also, if you
> experience any issues with this binary please share them here.
> The binary was built on Leopard (10.5), but it seems to work fine on SL. I
> can provide detailed building instructions if someone is interested.
> The binary is Intel only (as this is just intended as a Snow Leopard fix).
> Of course, it is released under the usual Lyx license:
> Ludovico Rossi

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