Am Monday 19 October 2009 07:10:52 schrieb Pete Crite:
> I hate to bump this, but my thesis is close to its due date, and I'm
> hoping to have these issues sorted so I can print it!
> Would anyone be able to help me at all?
> Thank you!
> Pete.
> On 13/10/2009, at 10:00 AM, Pete Crite wrote:
> > Hi, I am attempting to write a thesis using LyX, and have a few
> > questions. I have Googled extensively, but can't seem to find the
> > answers. I am using the report class.
> >
> > 1. How do I get the page numbers to continue in the abstract? The
> > abstract is the third page in, and appears to reset the page count.

Could'nt you just abuse a chapter and write Abstract as the chapter heading?


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