
This could also be done using a set of LaTeX commands following your main
body text.  This is a rough first draft, but the general procedure goes like

1.) Create a variable to keep track of the current page.

2.) Redefine \thepage macro so that it will paginate the sub-figures
appropriately.  This will involve resetting the "page" counter

3.) Set "page" back to its previous value.

If you follow this procedure at every figure/subfigure groups, it should
have the desired effect.  A rough draft of the code is below.  Also, you
might consider redefining one of the float environments (or creating your
own) so that it applies these definitions automatically.  That would spare
you from needing to add them before every block of figures.

% Add to the document preamble

End of Body Text

% Add the following before the first "figure" as ERT

% Create Value to Keep Track of the Current Page
\setcounter{page}{0} % Set the page counter value to zero
\renewcommand{\thepage}{\arabic{\currentpage}\alph{page}} % Track the sub


% Add the following before the next figure as ERT

\setcounter{page}{\currentpage} % Restores the currentpage value
\renewcommand{\thepage}{\arabic{page}} % Restores the previous definition


This is an extremely rough solution, and I haven't tested it, but it would
generally have the effect that you're looking for.


Rob Oakes

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