Dear Sir/Madam:

Since our operating system changed to Windows (Vista), I am having a problem with importing a LyX file (*.lyx) created in an older version of LyX into the current version of LyX (Version 1.6.5). Our in-house guru advises me that this may have to do with the 32-bit vs. 64-bit conversion and related issues. More specifically, I get the following error message: "project_summary.lyx is from a different version of LyX, but the lyx2lyx script failed to convert it." I am attaching the LyX file for your evaluation.

How can I solve this problem?
Sharif Rahman

Sharif Rahman Professor of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering The University of Iowa Iowa City, IA 52242
Tel:  (319) 335-5679
Fax:  (319) 335-5669

Attachment: project_summary.lyx
Description: application/lyx

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