On Friday 08 January 2010 10:18:14 Marcelo Acuña wrote:
> Hello,
>  I have a 350000 words book 

Dang dude, that's awesome. What is that, 1200 pages?

>  and I want to know what I win and that I lose
>  if I change one file to multiple files? I am thinking to make the change
>  due to the delays in writing the file. 

Do you mean delays saving the huge file, or delays in navigating through it or 
both. For me, anything over 110,000 words is uncharted territory.

If the hugeness of your file is substantially slowing you down, my opinion is 
that you must break it up during the main writing process. If it were me I'd 
break it down to one file per part (not per chapter). That way I wouldn't have 
60 files hanging around. I can tell you from personal experience that if you 
have a 2 year old commodity computer, navigating a 100K word book is 
instantaneous, saving it is maybe a second or two, and viewing it as PDF is 
about 30 seconds, which I find quite tolerable. So I'd think that breaking 
this thing into 3 or more parts would be sufficient.

Personally, I'd consider putting the whole thing back together once the major 
writing, copy editing, spellchecking and indexing are done. I've found it 
easier to deal with books as a whole, and with all that work done you won't be 
messing with the file all that much after that.


Steve Litt
Recession Relief Package
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/stevelitt

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