On Tue, 2 Feb 2010 20:51:18 -0500
William Seager <sea...@utsc.utoronto.ca> wrote:

> On  Tuesday 02 February 2010  at  20:19,  Waluyo Adi Siswanto wrote:
> > I am using Ubuntu(Ubuntu 8.10 and LyX 1.6.5) and I can export to
> > OpenDocument easily  (from File>Export>OpenDocument) and it creates
> > *,odt.
> > 
> I apologize but I'm getting confused here. I have no export to
> OpenDocument option in *File-Export* (using lyx 1.6.5 with gentoo
> linux).
> Is there some package I need to install that will
> add this option to my Lyx menu? I do have export to rtf and html ...
> but no OpenDocument. I agree this would be very useful.

Install the package tex4ht and then use the script oolatex. I don't
know about other systems, but oolatex is not on the excecution path of
Debian - you need to use the full path or put in a symbolic link
somewhere on your execution path.

The other problem is that there is (was?) a bug in tex4ht that requires
you to use the actual Sun Java JRE. The substitute that comes with most
Linux distributions leaves an empty .odt document.

I have converted quite large documents using this package: 600+ page
books with multiple indexes and a zillion cross-references.


> cheers,
> -- 
> William Seager
> University of Toronto Scarborough
> www.utsc.utoronto.ca/~seager

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