On Tue, 02 Feb 2010 20:19:54 -0500, Waluyo Adi Siswanto <was.u...@gmail.com> wrote:

I am using Ubuntu(Ubuntu 8.10 and LyX 1.6.5) and I can export to
OpenDocument easily  (from File>Export>OpenDocument) and it creates
*,odt. When I open this file using OpenOffice and if I double click
the equations created by LyX it will be in OpenOffice equation, all
equations can be edited and continued in OpenOffice without any

I can confirm this works out of the box on Ubuntu Karmic. Whether it works on more complicated documents, I don't know. I also note that OO.org has a LaTeX exporter, but regretfully cannot import LaTeX. It's supposed to support DocBook imports, but I haven't tried it.



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