On Tue, 16 Feb 2010 23:08:07 -0800 John White <j...@lawquest.com>
shared this with is all on the Lyx users list:

>There is simply too much space between sections and subsections. I
>moved stdsections.inc to my home directory, put it in ./lyx/layouts
>but changes to TopSep, BottomSep and ParSep are not recognized after 
>reconfigure. I use lyx 1.6.5 on a slackware 12.1 system.
>Any suggestions are appreciated.

Hello John,

I know nothing about LyX, just muddle through because I like it but..
you may have to use \usepackage{titlesec} and play with this line:

{12pc}{0.5ex plus .1ex minus .2ex}{1pc}

In the subsection - subsubsection line?

I think the 0.5ex is where you increase or decrease the spacing between
sections? Larger than 0.5ex will increase the spacing I think. Maybe try
0.0ex or -0.5ex

But I could be wasting your time? If so sorry for the noise.

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