On Sunday 21 February 2010 12:09:14 Sajjad wrote:
> Hello forum,
> I am about to finish my thesis work and i am stuck with some issues in LyX.
> One of them is writing Acknowledgement section.
> I see that there is no separate environment for this.
> I would like to have Acknowledgement right after Abstract and like to have
> the same font size as "Abstract" heading and centralized.
> Any hint?
> Regards
> Sajjad


My personal opinion is that anything in the \frontmatter should be made with 
either custom environments or ERT. Only the \mainmatter should depend on 
features of the document class.

For the past three years I've been following this advice and it's made my book 
writing MUCH easier.


Steve Litt
Recession Relief Package
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/stevelitt

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