On 04/04/2010 18:30, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
On 4/4/2010 7:56 AM, Micha wrote:
How do I get undersets not to make the spacing of the equation wrong
when the width of the underset is wider than the equation?

doing $a+\underset{description}{underbrace{b}}+c$ comes out as
a+ b +c

instead of



I suspect what you want is the following (in a math inset):

1. type \underset (space);
2. in the upper box of the inset, type \underbrace (space);
3. enter the formula in the innermost inset;
4. enter the description in the bottom space.


That is what I'm doing, the problem is that the spacing is all wrong. The reply ruined the spaces so I'll use underscores instead. Using your method I get

a + _____ b ______ + c
_________ }
_____ description

While what I want is

a + b + c
___ }

here, _ are spaces and } denotes the underbrace (which is supposed to be only under b)

I remember seeing a solution a couple of years back or so on this list so I know it's possible, but can't find it anymore.

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