The list is up! I can ask banal, slightly off-topic questions that could have been answered with heavy-duty googling! Yay!

I'm working in article format in a document that has grown a pair of appendices. I declared the "appendix" environment in Lyx, and everything looks right in Lyx.

But I have two issues:

The minor one is that this is an article with sections and not chapters, so Appendix A is just titled "A" by LaTeX, and B just "B" (not "Appendix A", etc.).

The major one is that the subsections and subsubsections in Appendix A are "1.1", "1.2" etc., and "1.1.1", "1.2.1", etc. -- _not_ "A.1" etc.

I assume this is more of a LaTeX problem than Lyx -- but if there's an answer, I'd love to hear it.

Tim Wescott
Wescott Design Services
Voice: 503-631-7815
Cell:  503-349-8432

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