I'm pretty sure it's a LaTeX issue -- things look fine in Lyx, it's the
rendered document that's a problem.

I'm on Ubuntu 9.10, so I'll just defer judgment until I have time to

Rob Oakes wrote:
Hi Tim,
This may be a LaTeX issue and thus not specific to LyX.  Or, it might be
a LyX problem. It depends on where the screwy numbering is appearing.
Are you seeing it when writing with the editor?  Or is it showing up in
your PDF?  If it's the former, then there is a problem with
article.layout file, and it has been fixed in the upcoming 2.0 release.
If it's the latter, it's a LaTeX problem.

I've seen it in both places.

If it's a LyX problem, I'd just recommend that you ignore it.  Layout
problems can be fixed, but it's somewhat complicated.  If you really
want to take a stab at it, you can find some information about modifying
section counters in this article:

If it's in LaTeX, that's slightly more problematic and you have a couple
of options.

The reason that the numbering is all screwy has to do with the way that
the appendix counters are defined in article.cls.  These have since been
fixed in more recent versions.  I ran into some problems when I was
using the TeXLive 2007 in Ubuntu.  In 10.04, they've updated the
packages to TeXLive 2009 and this particular problem resolved itself (in
addition to a host of other annoyances).

The first solution, then, is to update your LaTeX distribution.  The
instructions for this depend on your platform and which distribution
you're using.  If you're using Ubuntu Linux (and you really should be,
because it's generally awesome), they will be updated automatically when
you move to 10.04.

If that isn't an option, the alternative is to use a different document
class.  I'd recommend that you switch over to Koma-Script.  Converting
from article to scrarticle is usually fairly painless.  It's converting
from KOMA-Script to the standard classes that really messes things up.

The final option is to simply redefine the counters by hand.  But that,
like modifying layout files, can be painful and I'll allow you to
discover the secrets via Google.

Hope this is of some help.



On Fri, 2010-05-07 at 08:51 -0700, Tim Wescott wrote:
The list is up! I can ask banal, slightly off-topic questions that could have been answered with heavy-duty googling! Yay!

I'm working in article format in a document that has grown a pair of appendices. I declared the "appendix" environment in Lyx, and everything looks right in Lyx.

But I have two issues:

The minor one is that this is an article with sections and not
so Appendix A is just titled "A" by LaTeX, and B just "B" (not
A", etc.).

The major one is that the subsections and subsubsections in Appendix
are "1.1", "1.2" etc., and "1.1.1", "1.2.1", etc. -- _not_ "A.1" etc.

I assume this is more of a LaTeX problem than Lyx -- but if there's
answer, I'd love to hear it.

Tim Wescott
Wescott Design Services
Voice: 503-631-7815
Cell:  503-349-8432

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