On Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 9:27 PM, Tennessee Carmel-Veilleux <
tennessee.carmelveill...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 28 July 2010 01:23, Alex Leith <alexgle...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all
>> I am writing my thesis in LyX and I am using koma-script report template.
>> I have most things working really well, it is great, but I have two things
>> which arent.
>> 1/ I want to have my TOC, LOT and LOF all to appear in the table of
>> contents and to be in the PDF, is this possible.
> Basically, you have to give class options (Document:Settings:Document
> Class:Class Options:Custom) that tell KOMA-Script to include these.
> The options are:
> listof=totoc
> bibliography=totoc or =totocnumbered (to have it "numbered" in sequence as
> a chapter).
> So in your case you would have:
> listof=totoc,bibliography=totoc
> in the custom options box.
> See the screencast here (2 minutes) for the effect:
> http://screencast.com/t/ODQ3MDc3O
> See section 3.1.5 of the KOMA-Script manual for a full description of these
> TOC options:
> http://www.tex.ac.uk/CTAN/macros/latex/contrib/koma-script/scrguien.pdf.
>> 2/ My appendices are in the TOC but when you click them it goes to chapter
>> 1 for APp A, chapter 2 for APP B etc. This is the case for in text and the
>> PDF index.
> This does not happen with my KOMA-Script documents. Maybe it is a problem
> of one of the packages that you are using which redefines some aspects of
> the Chapter command in the case of appendixes. It's hard to tell... Maybe
> someone else has an answer on that one :)
> Best regards,
> Tennessee Carmel-Veilleux, EIT
> Electrical engineering masters student, ETS (http://www.etsmtl.ca)
> Project AREXIMAS (http://areximas.etsmtl.ca)
>> Thanks for you time,
>> Alex
>> --
>> Alex Leith
>> Surveying and Spatial Sciences
>> University of Tasmania
>> email: alexgle...@gmail.com
>> mobile: 0419189050
Thanks Tennessee

I am guessing, now, that the chapter command has been changed by "fancychap"
and that this has somehow changed the behaviour of the links for the
appendices. I removed it from the preable and that has fixed that problem.

Just now I changed the options of koma-script to listof=toc, and the list of
figures and tables are included in the TOC, but the table of contents itself
is not still... Any ideas?



Alex Leith
Surveying and Spatial Sciences
University of Tasmania
email: alexgle...@gmail.com
mobile: 0419189050

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