On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 10:07 AM, Tennessee Carmel-Veilleux <
tennessee.carmelveill...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 28 July 2010 19:35, Alex Leith <alexgle...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 9:24 AM, Tennessee Carmel-Veilleux <
>> tennessee.carmelveill...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Table of Contents}
>>> as LaTeX code just before the Table of Contents inset. See attached
>>> screenshot. Hope this helps.
>>> Hi again
>> Ok, I see what you mean, that does seem weird. But what about in the pdf
>> index (see attached screenshot) I would expect that I should be able to move
>> to the TOC from here, right?
> I understand what you mean :) To have only a link in the PDF bookmarks,
> use:
> \pdfbookmark[0]{Table of Contents}{toc}
> in LaTeX code just before the Table of Contents (basically replacing
> \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}
> {Table of Contents} that I mentionned in the previous reply).
> This way, the table of contents appears in the PDF bookmarks, but not in
> the table of contents itself.
> Best regards,
> Tennessee Carmel-Veilleux, EIT
> Electrical engineering masters student, ETS (http://www.etsmtl.ca)
> Project AREXIMAS (http://areximas.etsmtl.ca)
Fantastic! Thank you so much. I really like writing in LyX, but some of
these things are hard to discover. Have a good day/night whatever!


Alex Leith
Surveying and Spatial Sciences
University of Tasmania
email: alexgle...@gmail.com
mobile: 0419189050

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