On 09/13/2010 12:18 PM, Etienne Snyman wrote:
Dear LyX-peoples...

I have a few questions concerning layout, typesetting and fonts.
(I am using LyX 1.6.5 on Ubuntu 10.04)

I am in the planning stage of writing a music theory textbook (which
will be Creative-Commons licensed!) and I am therefore using the "book"
class in the Document Setting dialogue. It is easy for me to choose
Helvetica and Utopia for my Sans Serif and Roman fonts, respectively,
and I am more than happy with my choice.

However, I would like to tweak a lot of these settings so that my
headings are in the Sans font, and my content in the Roman font. Using
the KOMA-script book class is not an option.

Why not?

I have been going through the Wiki and the built-in "Customization"
documentation, but I have no skill in writing *.layout files. I have
tried, but I cannot seem to do what I want to do.

First of all, I'd suggest you not worry about this right now. You say you are in the planning stages, so you may change your mind about how you want the book to look before you finish it. These details can wait and be tweaked and changed when you're really ready...which is one of the nice things about LyX and LaTeX.

That said, changing fonts for headers and such is relatively simple, and you don't need to mess with layout files. There is a LaTeX package, titlesec, that can be used to do this. Documentation is here: http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/titlesec/titlesec.pdf
See the \titleformat command.

This also affects the page headers, which I want to look a certain way.
Because LyX is based on LaTeX, I know that various layouts can be set.

Page headers are most easily set using the fancyhdr package. There's some discussion of it in the LyX docs, more in the fancyhdr docs: http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/fancyhdr/fancyhdr.pdf


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