Hi Richard! Thanks for the good replies...

On Mon, 2010-09-13 at 17:19 -0400, Richard Heck wrote:
> On 09/13/2010 12:18 PM, Etienne Snyman wrote:
> > However, I would like to tweak a lot of these settings so that my
> > headings are in the Sans font, and my content in the Roman font. Using
> > the KOMA-script book class is not an option.
> >
> >    
> Why not?

I need my chapter headings to look a certain way...

> > I have been going through the Wiki and the built-in "Customization"
> > documentation, but I have no skill in writing *.layout files. I have
> > tried, but I cannot seem to do what I want to do.
> >
> >    
> First of all, I'd suggest you not worry about this right now. You say 
> you are in the planning stages, so you may change your mind about how 
> you want the book to look before you finish it. These details can wait 
> and be tweaked and changed when you're really ready...which is one of 
> the nice things about LyX and LaTeX.

That sounds like a good idea. I will wait.

> That said, changing fonts for headers and such is relatively simple, and 
> you don't need to mess with layout files. There is a LaTeX package, 
> titlesec, that can be used to do this. Documentation is here:
> http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/titlesec/titlesec.pdf
> See the \titleformat command.
> > This also affects the page headers, which I want to look a certain way.
> > Because LyX is based on LaTeX, I know that various layouts can be set.
> >
> >    
> Page headers are most easily set using the fancyhdr package. There's 
> some discussion of it in the LyX docs, more in the fancyhdr docs:
> http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/fancyhdr/fancyhdr.pdf
> rh

Could I contact you again later for more help?



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