Hi all,

I frequently want to produce three almost-identical PDF versions of
the same underlying set of beamer slides:

presentation-notes.pdf, which is a handout (specify handout in
Document Settings - Class Options - Custom field) but in which I
include various noteitems to myself (Document Settings - LaTeX
Preamble: \setbeameroption{show notes})

presentation-handout.pdf, which, like the notes, is in handout form
but suppresses the notes, i.e. comments out or removes
\setbeameroption{show notes} from the preamble

presentation-slides.pdf which also has no note items but is not a
handout  (specify handout in Document Settings - Class Options -
Custom field).

This is somewhat tedious to do by hand - save-as, change name, change
the preamble, change the purpose in the Document Class, save again,
export to pdf - and I have made a few version control mistakes.

Is it possible to automate this via a command sequence, module or some
sort of script?

I have fiddled around but have been stymied by (a) the paucity of
simple, annotated examples of LFUN command sequences, scripts and the
like and (b) my own incompetence. Primarily the latter.

Many thanks in advance.

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