Minor correction:

On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 3:38 PM, Venable <venabl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I frequently want to produce three almost-identical PDF versions of
> the same underlying set of beamer slides:
> presentation-notes.pdf, which is a handout (specify handout in
> Document Settings - Class Options - Custom field) but in which I
> include various noteitems to myself (Document Settings - LaTeX
> Preamble: \setbeameroption{show notes})
> presentation-handout.pdf, which, like the notes, is in handout form
> but suppresses the notes, i.e. comments out or removes
> \setbeameroption{show notes} from the preamble

presentation-slides.pdf, which also has no note items but is not a
handout (specify beamer in Document Settings - Class Options - Custom

> This is somewhat tedious to do by hand - save-as, change name, change
> the preamble, change the purpose in the Document Class, save again,
> export to pdf - and I have made a few version control mistakes.
> Is it possible to automate this via a command sequence, module or some
> sort of script?
> I have fiddled around but have been stymied by (a) the paucity of
> simple, annotated examples of LFUN command sequences, scripts and the
> like and (b) my own incompetence. Primarily the latter.
> Many thanks in advance.

Apologies for the typo.

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