
I would like to create a document which contains a few pages of info
followed by three papers.

That is, each of the three papers should be its own complete paper
(with its own title, abstract, the document with tables and figures,
footnotes, and its own bibliography).  In front of these papers I
would like a title page followed by some introductory information and
a table of contents (for tables and figures) across the three papers.
Page numbers across the three documents should not reset but the
section numbers with in each document should.

I have put together a simple master.lyx file and inside I have
included the child documents test1.lyx, test2.lyx, and test3.lyx.
However, the bibilography in each paper is not unique to that paper
and the title of each paper is included as standard text.

Can anyone point me in the right direction for understanding Child
Documents in LyX and how to achieve this?


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