Hi Richard,

Thanks for your reply.  It gives me a few ideas on where to dig for more info.

I suppose what I am trying to do is to create something like a simple
journal.  I would like to tie a handful of papers together into a
single document (with contiguous page numbering) and have a few
introductory pages at the start.  Each of the papers will have its own
title/abstract/bibliography.  Do you think something like this is
possible?  Or should I be manually editing the first page number in
each paper and generating them as separate LyX files?


On 15 November 2010 18:20, Richard Heck <rgh...@comcast.net> wrote:
> On 11/15/2010 01:03 PM, Ken wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I would like to create a document which contains a few pages of info
>> followed by three papers.
>> That is, each of the three papers should be its own complete paper
>> (with its own title, abstract, the document with tables and figures,
>> footnotes, and its own bibliography).  In front of these papers I
>> would like a title page followed by some introductory information and
>> a table of contents (for tables and figures) across the three papers.
>> Page numbers across the three documents should not reset but the
>> section numbers with in each document should.
>> I have put together a simple master.lyx file and inside I have
>> included the child documents test1.lyx, test2.lyx, and test3.lyx.
>> However, the bibilography in each paper is not unique to that paper
>> and the title of each paper is included as standard text.
>> Can anyone point me in the right direction for understanding Child
>> Documents in LyX and how to achieve this?
> This isn't really how child documents are meant to be used; perhaps the
> terminology is
> misleading. Anyway, "child documents" are really just a kind of included
> file, and when they
> are used that way, they do not generate their own preamble, titlepage, etc.
> I'm not sure, though, precisely what you are trying to do here. Would it be
> possible simply
> to treat these papers as chapters? Or do they have separate authors and the
> like? If you could
> treat them as chapters, then it sounds as if the main issue is the
> bibliography. To solve that, you
> can use the bibtopic package, which is briefly discussed in section 3.1.3 of
> the Additional
> Features manual.
> If you really do want the "chapters" to be separate papers, or whatever,
> then LyX does not
> provide support for this. That said, however, this topic came up before, and
> I seem to
> remember that there is a LaTeX package that you can use to do this kind of
> thing, but I do
> not remember what it was called. Since LyX does not include support for it,
> you would need
> to use LyX to produce the various documents, then export them to LaTeX and
> do the final
> work on the .tex files.
> Richard

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