On 11/18/2010 06:54 PM, go2tob...@gmx.de wrote:
Dear Lyx developers and users,
thanks for your work concerning the new beta version. I have just enjoyed some of the new features.
I have a small problem (win7,64bit, Lyx2.0beta):
How can I set the temp-dir to the same location, were the current file is located.
in Lyx 1.6 I put in the options temp-dir: "LyxTemp" and thats it.
I think Lyx always looks to Users\mynama\AppData\Local\Temp\lyx_tmpdir.....
when I put an absolute path in the options, it works.
How can I set a relative path from current file for lyxtempdir?

You can't do this. This is simply because LyX has one tempdir for ALL files, so it makes no sense to set it for one of the files you happen to have open.

I use this to refer to an external file from ERT by using ../../../myfile.txt in pgfplot for loading data for a data plot. Maybe there is another solution.

There are other ways to handle this. The best is to define some kind of template for "Include External Material"---the way chess plots are included, for example. See the customization manual for more.


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