Thank you Darren. The first version works perfectly to give what I expect to
see for endnotes.
The only addition I made was to add "\wide" before and "\endwide" after
That allowed the endnotes to use the full width of text+notemargin.

Incidentally, why the asterisk?
With or without the asterisk, the notes get printed with their numbers. (and
they won't appear in a T.O.C.).

Thanks again -- you have been a great help.

Cheers, George

On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 1:00 AM, Daron Wilson <> wrote:

> George,
> The LyX endnote module uses the LaTeX endnote package, and so it would
> require some LaTeX hacking to change things much I think.  Memoir has its
> own commands to put notes at the end(it calls them pagenotes so as not to
> conflict with the endnotes package).  The memoir commands are not the same,
> but the class does provide all the same functionality, and a little more I
> believe.  I've been using memoir for  a short while, and so I have a little
> familiarity there, and I tried to hack something up from things I found
> before in the memoir manual.
> Caveats:
> *I'm new to the whole LaTeX thing, so it's probably pretty ugly, and the
> long way around, but it is working fine for me here (LyX 2.0 beta).
> *this will only work with the memoir class because it is built on
> class-specific commands.
> I wasn't sure exactly what result you wanted, but basically, what I've done
> is made memoir convert footnotes to endnotes, and hang the paragraphs off of
> the note numbers (I assume that is what you meant by "indented for all
> lines").  There are two possible options (available by
> commenting/uncommenting a few appropriate lines): either to hang the
> paragraphs of of a superscript without a space, or to hang the paragraphs
> off of normal text size numbers with a period and a space.
> You should be able to copy the code below straight into the preamble
> section of your document settings, and then the only thing you have to do is
> put the following into ERT in LyX at the end of each chapter:
> \clearpage
> \printpagenotes*
> The memoir package manual has a lot more detail on endnotes in section
> 17.4, and some helpful background in chapter 12.
> Regards,
> Daron
> =================================================
> %%%%%% Depends on memoir
> %       tell memoir to use endnotes
> \makepagenote
> %       use Lyx footnote apparatus, but have memoir convert to endnotes
> \foottopagenote
> %       setup memoir for notes at the end of chapters
> \renewcommand*{\notedivision}{\section*{\notesname}}
> \renewcommand*{\pagenotesubhead}[3]{}
> %       prepare a new length for the width of the note numbers;  to be used
> later
> \newlength{\notenumberlength}
> %       tell memoir to hang the paragraphs from the width of the note
> numbers
> \renewcommand{\prenoteinnotes}{\par\noindent\hangindent\notenumberlength}
> %       add some space between notes
> \renewcommand{\postnoteinnotes}{\par\smallskip}
> %:====> use for hanging notes from normal text size numbers
> %       tell LaTeX to reserve note number space wide enough for the number
> 99. and a space, in normal font
> \settowidth{\notenumberlength}{\normalfont 99.\space}
> %       tell memoir to typeset the note numbers as flushright in their own
> box
> \renewcommand*{\notenuminnotes}[1]{\makebox[\notenumberlength][r]{#1.\space}}
> %:====> use for hanging the notes from superscript numbers.
> %       tell LaTeX to reserve enough space for 99 notes, superscript size
> %\settowidth{\notenumberlength}{\textsuperscript{99}}
> %       tell memoir to typeset the note numbers as flushright
> (rightjustified).
> %\renewcommand*{\notenuminnotes}[1]{\makebox[\notenumberlength][r]{\textsuperscript{#1}}}
> =================================================
> On 7 Dec 2010, at 07:43, george legge wrote:
> > I am using Book-memoir and all the endnotes appear in the form of
> footnotes;
> > that is, each starts with a superscript number which is indented and
> followed immediately by the endnote text.
> > If there are subsequent lines for that footnote, they are not indented.
> >
> > This happens whether I employ "insert footnote" and the module "foot to
> end" or I employ the more recent Insert>Custom:Insets>Custom Endnote.
> > I am listing endnotes at the end of each chapter. They look very odd and
> difficult to read in the form of footnotes.
> >
> > What is the simplest way to get the endnotes listed in the common way,
> namely:
> > a normal Arabic number followed by the indented text (indented for all
> lines)?
> >
> > Cheers, George

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