George, Daron,

please note that memoir's \pagenote and \foottopagenote use in Lyx currently
suffers from two   problems:

1. a 2-paragraphs (or more) pagenote produced with Lyx 's footnote command
and \foottopagenote will fail and produce a Latex error. One paragraph notes
are okay.

2. similarly, a pagenote produced with Lyx's footnote command and
\foottopagenote cannot contain \index commands unless they are "protected"
(you need to insert a \protect command as ERT **immediately before** the
\index command).

Lars Madsen, the maintainer of memoir, is working on both issues (the first
one is trivial, apparently, the second one less so).

You may follow up the details of the copnversation we have been having on


On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 12:33 AM, george legge <> wrote:

> Thank you Darren. The first version works perfectly to give what I expect
> to see for endnotes.
> The only addition I made was to add "\wide" before and "\endwide" after
> "\printpagenotes*".
> That allowed the endnotes to use the full width of text+notemargin.
> Incidentally, why the asterisk?
> With or without the asterisk, the notes get printed with their numbers.
> (and they won't appear in a T.O.C.).
> Thanks again -- you have been a great help.
> Cheers, George
> On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 1:00 AM, Daron Wilson <>wrote:
>> George,
>> The LyX endnote module uses the LaTeX endnote package, and so it would
>> require some LaTeX hacking to change things much I think.  Memoir has its
>> own commands to put notes at the end(it calls them pagenotes so as not to
>> conflict with the endnotes package).  The memoir commands are not the same,
>> but the class does provide all the same functionality, and a little more I
>> believe.  I've been using memoir for  a short while, and so I have a little
>> familiarity there, and I tried to hack something up from things I found
>> before in the memoir manual.
>> Caveats:
>> *I'm new to the whole LaTeX thing, so it's probably pretty ugly, and the
>> long way around, but it is working fine for me here (LyX 2.0 beta).
>> *this will only work with the memoir class because it is built on
>> class-specific commands.
>> I wasn't sure exactly what result you wanted, but basically, what I've
>> done is made memoir convert footnotes to endnotes, and hang the paragraphs
>> off of the note numbers (I assume that is what you meant by "indented for
>> all lines").  There are two possible options (available by
>> commenting/uncommenting a few appropriate lines): either to hang the
>> paragraphs of of a superscript without a space, or to hang the paragraphs
>> off of normal text size numbers with a period and a space.
>> You should be able to copy the code below straight into the preamble
>> section of your document settings, and then the only thing you have to do is
>> put the following into ERT in LyX at the end of each chapter:
>> \clearpage
>> \printpagenotes*
>> The memoir package manual has a lot more detail on endnotes in section
>> 17.4, and some helpful background in chapter 12.
>> Regards,
>> Daron
>> =================================================
>> %%%%%% Depends on memoir
>> %       tell memoir to use endnotes
>> \makepagenote
>> %       use Lyx footnote apparatus, but have memoir convert to endnotes
>> \foottopagenote
>> %       setup memoir for notes at the end of chapters
>> \renewcommand*{\notedivision}{\section*{\notesname}}
>> \renewcommand*{\pagenotesubhead}[3]{}
>> %       prepare a new length for the width of the note numbers;  to be
>> used later
>> \newlength{\notenumberlength}
>> %       tell memoir to hang the paragraphs from the width of the note
>> numbers
>> \renewcommand{\prenoteinnotes}{\par\noindent\hangindent\notenumberlength}
>> %       add some space between notes
>> \renewcommand{\postnoteinnotes}{\par\smallskip}
>> %:====> use for hanging notes from normal text size numbers
>> %       tell LaTeX to reserve note number space wide enough for the number
>> 99. and a space, in normal font
>> \settowidth{\notenumberlength}{\normalfont 99.\space}
>> %       tell memoir to typeset the note numbers as flushright in their own
>> box
>> \renewcommand*{\notenuminnotes}[1]{\makebox[\notenumberlength][r]{#1.\space}}
>> %:====> use for hanging the notes from superscript numbers.
>> %       tell LaTeX to reserve enough space for 99 notes, superscript size
>> %\settowidth{\notenumberlength}{\textsuperscript{99}}
>> %       tell memoir to typeset the note numbers as flushright
>> (rightjustified).
>> %\renewcommand*{\notenuminnotes}[1]{\makebox[\notenumberlength][r]{\textsuperscript{#1}}}
>> =================================================
>> On 7 Dec 2010, at 07:43, george legge wrote:
>> > I am using Book-memoir and all the endnotes appear in the form of
>> footnotes;
>> > that is, each starts with a superscript number which is indented and
>> followed immediately by the endnote text.
>> > If there are subsequent lines for that footnote, they are not indented.
>> >
>> > This happens whether I employ "insert footnote" and the module "foot to
>> end" or I employ the more recent Insert>Custom:Insets>Custom Endnote.
>> > I am listing endnotes at the end of each chapter. They look very odd and
>> difficult to read in the form of footnotes.
>> >
>> > What is the simplest way to get the endnotes listed in the common way,
>> namely:
>> > a normal Arabic number followed by the indented text (indented for all
>> lines)?
>> >
>> > Cheers, George

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