Hi everyone,

I'm trying to insert the text "ΨDO" into a LyX document (the first letter is 
upper case Greek psi, the next two letters are Latin letters), which is the 
standard abbreviation for "pseudo-differential operator".  By the way, "PDO" 
won't cut it since this is already an abbreviation for "partial differential 

The problem is, I'm using Palatino i.e. \usepackage{mathpazo}, but the Greek 
characters from Computer Modern are used.  Much worse than this, for 

shapes (like italic or bold) the default-shaped Computer Modern characters are 
used!  So in a theorem environment my Psi is upright when all surrounding text 
is italic.

Clearly the relevant characters exist in Palatino, since they are used for \Psi 
and \varPsi in math. I'd rather not resort to using these for a textual 
character, so is there someone to make LaTeX know about the relevant fonts?  At 

the very least is there a way to make LaTeX use italic Computer Modern 
substitutions instead of roman ones for italic characters?

Here are the relevant LaTeX warnings:
LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `LGR/ppl/m/n' undefined
(Font)              using `LGR/cmr/m/n' instead on input line 181.
LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `LGR/ppl/m/it' undefined

(Font)              using `LGR/ppl/m/n' instead on input line 186.

Thanks in advance for any help,

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