Hi there,

I use Lyx on both Linux and Windows, and I have tried all the HTML export
options, including Elyxer.

I like the Windows HTML export option the best, and I want to be able to produce
HTML on Linux the same as the Windows HTML export does.

I assume the Windows HTML export uses latex2html with a bunch of options.  If
so, does anybody know which options it uses?

Is the Windows export method listed somewhere?

I'm sure if I put a lot of time into customizing latex2html I'd get output
that's on part with Windows export, but the next couple weeks I'm tight on time.

The closest I've been able to come to producing Windows export results with
latex2html still has the following undesirable features:

(1) eqnarray images are not centered
(2) horizontal rules are not produced
(3) quotation marks look clunky like Tex quotes, not nice pretty ones.

Thanks very much in advance!


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