
You saved me! Now LyX let me insert the references also in the child
Thank you very very much for your precious advice!


On 12 October 2011 19:44, Julien Rioux <jri...@physics.utoronto.ca> wrote:

> On 12/10/2011 7:32 PM, PhilipPirrip wrote:
>> On 10/12/2011 05:36 PM, Gian Maria Niccolò Benucci wrote:
>>> If in Classic Thesis style the master document is report(KOMA-script)
>>> then I have no explanation for why do not work for me... also if I
>>> included the Bib file in the master doc (ClassicThesis.lyx) I am not
>>> able to insert reference in the child document (e.g., Abstract.lyx).
>>> Any other test I could do?
>>> Thanks a lot,
>> Which version of ClassicThesis for LyX are you using?
>> Are you sure you first open ClassicThesis.lyx, and from there all the
>> chapter files?
>> You can not just open Abstract.lyx and expect LyX to know what other
>> files are the part of the bundle.
> Actually, if the setting for default master document is set in the document
> settings of Abstract.lyx, then you *can* simply open Abstract.lyx and expect
> LyX to know everything. LyX opens the master document to get all the
> information.
> Let me restate how to set this setting: In your child doc, use the menu
> Document > Settings to open the dialog. On the panel named Document Class,
> look for the checkbox "select default master document" and the corresponding
> line below it. Make sure it points to your master doc, which includes the
> bibtex bibliography.
> Hope this helps,
> Julien

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