On 11/10/2011 9:57 PM, Gian Maria Niccolò Benucci wrote:
My I did not understand you well, or you missed a passage.
How did you include the references along the text if you do not insert the
Bib file at the end of each child document?
Thanks again,


2011/10/10 Manolo Martínez<man...@austrohungaro.com>

For what it's worth, I wrote my dissertation in the ClassicThesis style,
and I
would just compile child documents, without references as you say. Whenever
wanted to see how references looked I'd compile the whole shebang -- this
happened, say, once every few days.

On 10/09/11 at 11:44pm, Gian Maria Niccolò Benucci wrote:
Hi again,

I am sorry probably I am not able to explain well my problem... I will
I would like to have the reference at the end of the thesis, not at the
of each Chapter.
I tried adding the Bib file in e.g., the Chtaper#1.lyx and I put the
references in the correct place along the document. Then I compile the
Classic.Thesis.lyx, with the same Bib file at the end of it, but I have
simblos ?] instead of the corrected reference.
Ho can I include in the text the references if I do not add the Bib file
the end of each Chapter?

Thanks for helps and sorry but I am a rookie...


On 8 October 2011 20:36, PhilipPirrip<p...@net.hr>  wrote:

  II got the same problem. I tried to include the Bibtex Bib in each
single Chapter but the references appear only if I compile the Chapter
alone and never when I try with the ClassicThesis.lyx

I'm not sure here what it is that you want? A separate bibliography for
each chapter?
Do you get the bibliography right when you compile the original
without any modifications?


In the child document, make sure that Document > Settings > Document Class shows the correct master document.

In the master document, insert your BibTeX database in a BibTeX inset.

You can now insert citations using the citation keys provided by your BibTeX database, also in the child doc. If you do not see this behavior, you would be experiencing a bug, so please provide more info.


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