On 10/15/2011 01:17 AM, Gian Maria Niccolò Benucci wrote:
Hi again,
I am using ClassicThesis style by Andrè Miede and I have a problem with
title length in the classicthesis-preamble.sty.
The title of my Thesis is a bit long and would be better to wrap it. How
to wrap the Title?
I tried with \\ or \endline but nothing...
You don't have to put your title in the command \myTitle. Just insert it
where ever you need it (e.g. in Titlepage.lyx, DirtyTitlepage.lyx, etc)
and how ever you want it.
In my case, wrapping works even with
\newcommand{\myTitle}{A Classic Thesis Style --- An Homage to The
Elements of Typographic Style\xspace}
but I suppose you need wrapping at some exact place.
Then you can split the whole title into a few lines like
\newcommand{\myTitleLine1}{A Classic Thesis Style\xspace}
\newcommand{\myTitleLine2}{an homage to\xspace}
\newcommand{\myTitleLine2}{The Elements of Typographic Style\xspace}
\newcommand{\myTitle}{\myTitleLine1 \myTitleLine2 \myTitleLine3}
and repeat the first three commands where needed, or use the fourth to
expand to the whole title.
Endless possibilities, you see ;)