On 11/19/2011 08:40 AM, Kenedy Torcatt wrote:
> Hello guys...
> I Ineed to have my sections centered and in the middle
> of the page, I'm trying to insert a vertical space of 8cm but it's not
> working :(
> Why, what can I do in this case?
I'm not sure I understand what you want here. But the vertical space may
be getting lost because it is not being marked "protected". Not sure.

> P.S: I'm attaching my LyX file called thesis_kenedy, so you can take a
> look and edit it if you want...
It'd be better to post a small example file.

In any event, if this is something you want every section title to do,
then you are better off using the titlesec package to modify the section
headings once and for all.


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