On 19. nov. 2011 14:40, Kenedy Torcatt wrote:
Hello guys...

I Ineed to have my sections centered and in the middle
of the page, I'm trying to insert a vertical space of 8cm but it's not
working :(
Why, what can I do in this case?

It doesn't work because there is an assumption that space is meant
to go _between_ paragraphs of text.

If the space happens to be first or last on the page, it is
assumed to be unnecessary, and therefore removed!

Usually, this makes sense. You can separate paragraphs with a blank line. If a paragraph happens to end at
the bottom of a page, you don't want the next page to start
with a blank line on top.

But to get what you want, go into the settings for your
vertical space, and check the "protected" box. Then, the space
won't disappear even if it exists on the top of the page.
You should then get 8cm of blank space on top of that page.

I am not sure why you want this?

If you want 8cm of blank space on every page - then
add  8cm to the top margin instead.

If you want text centered in the middle of the page,
then 8cm of space won't do. It will likely not be
exactly centered. But you can get it perfect,
insert a "vertical fill" above your text,
and another vertical fill below your text. Make
sure both is protected too. Both vertical fills
will have exactly the same length, so the
text between them will be perfectly centered. No need
to change space sizes if you add a line or modify the font size.

Helge Hafting

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