Am Dec 8, 2011 um 1:02 PM schrieb Eric Weir:
> On Dec 7, 2011, at 11:57 AM, Richard Heck wrote:
>> On 12/07/2011 10:28 AM, Eric Weir wrote:
>>> I thought in trying to get the formatting capabilities I want by making as 
>>> few changes to existing formatting documents I would study a few to see if 
>>> I could understand what is going on and figure out which one[s] might work 
>>> for me, but I can't find them, either in the home or root directory.
>>> Pointers would be appreciated. I'm on a Mac with OS X 10.6.8.
>> If you search for the file "article.layout", using whatever file search 
>> facilities OSX provides, that is where the others will also be.
> Weird. I searched for this using Path Finder, Finder, and Spotlight. Didn't 
> show up in any of them. 

Finder uses the Spotlight database and I suspect Path Finder does as well, so 
if Spotlight doesn't index a file, neither app will find it.

> After much searching, and after discovering the location of the LaTeX class 
> and style files with the help of Tools/TeX Information, which I just happened 
> upon, I found the file. It's in the LyX application folder under 
> /resources/layouts.
> When I search again, again using Path Finder, Finder, and Spotlight, it still 
> doesn't show up. I must be making a mistake somewhere, but I sure can't see 
> what it is.

No mistake; Spotlight ignores a lot of stuff that it patronizingly considers 
lower-level and/or beyond the ken of ordinary users.  You need either to use 
the (very powerful and useful) unix "locate" command from within a terminal or 
a dedicated app like Find Any File. The locate database is not created by 
default in OS X. To do so, and have the OS update it periodically, open and enter:

sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/

You'll get a warning that it will take some time to create the DB, but the 
warning will go away once it's done.

Chris Menzel

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