Am Dec 8, 2011 um 2:30 PM schrieb Eric Weir:
>> ...Spotlight ignores a lot of stuff that it patronizingly considers 
>> lower-level and/or beyond the ken of ordinary users.  You need either to use 
>> the (very powerful and useful) unix "locate" command from within a terminal 
>> or a dedicated app like Find Any File. The locate database is not created by 
>> default in OS X. To do so, and have the OS update it periodically, open 
>> and enter:
>> sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
> Thanks, Chris. Checking out Find Any File I probably discovered why it was 
> not found: Spotlight doesn't look inside bundles, and LyX layouts are in the 
> LyX bundle.
> Just to clarify, creating the locate database will enable me to use the 
> locate command?

Yes.  If you try to do so now, the OS will tell you that you can create the DB 
with the command above.  When it's done creating it, you'll be able to use the 
command to find any file on your system.


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