
I am new to LaTex and LyX. I want to install LyX under Windows XP.
Which installer should I use, and what exactly should I install, if
I have nothing related to LaTex previously installed on my computer?
I am asking, because I cannot see a relevant explanation in the LyX web pages,
but rather some confusing statements regarding the relationships of LyX
with MikTex and CygWin. Is CygWin necessary for running LyX?
There are two installers, one smaller, seemingly without MiKTex, and the other
bigger, with MiKTex, but the first one (not the second one) is stated to install
also MiKTex. This seems inconsistent. My further question is: can I install
LyX on a computer which is not connected to internet? Do the installers
download something from the web during the installation?


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