On 10/01/2012 9:31 PM, Waluyo Adi Siswanto wrote:

Dear All,

Is that possible to write citation: Author [#ID]
I tried the following combination:
- Document settings>    Biblliography>    Natbib style: numerical
- Insert>    List/TOC>    Bibtex bibliography>    style: klunum

But when I cite a reference:
  Insert>    Citations>    Formating>    Citation style: Author [#ID]

the compiled pdf result: (author ?) [1]

Is there any specific combination that I can cite Author [#ID] in the

thanks for any information


Not all styles are compatible with natbib's support for author names. Try a
different bibliography style (.bst file).

Yes, for example plainnat, I can get author [1].
Some style that may not not compatible with natbib's suport cannot
compile to pdf.

However, klunum does not show any error or warning. The format
citation selection in LyX is also available to choose author [#ID]. It
compiles pdf but author with questionmark.

Perhaps this klunum is not supported by natbib, but LyX still
recognise as supported, so it compiles pdf without any warning.

thanks anyway.

That's right, unfortunately LyX is not yet clever enough to warn you that the style you are using does not provide author names: http://www.lyx.org/trac/ticket/2329

So until this is fixed you are left to experiment.


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