Steve Litt <slitt <at>> writes:

> > What exactly has to be done, step by step, to put the files
> > together to form one complete document that can be viewed without
> > errors?
> > 
> > Leslaw
> My approach would be to write a document with nothing but "Hello 
> World" written in standard environment, but make sure its document 
> class is SVMono. If that fails to compile, send it to the list. If it 
> compiles, make "Hello World" one of the environments from SVMono, and 
> see if it fails. If so, exploit the differences. If not, very slowly 
> add various levels of headings and text, checking each time to make 
> sure it compiles.
> You can also go the other direction. Back up your existing document, 
> then keep cutting it in half until you trap the defect in a very small 
> document, at which time the defect will probably be obvious.
> SteveT

I am afraid this is not possible, since the svmono class does not contain
one document type, but several kinds of documents, which, when put together, 
should make a book. After dozens of different attempts, it seems to me that
the first problem is that LyX provides templates for some of the svmono
class documents, but not all of them. One of the error messages that I get

Could not load included file


Could not load included file

So, it seems that these files are needed by the other LyX templates for
svmono files, but LyX does not provide the templates for them, so that I am 
not able to create these files with LyX.

If, instead, I import the book.tex template directly from the Springer
svmono class (without making use of LyX templates), and try to view it
in pdf format, I get other errors:

"Package inputenc Error: Keyboard character used is undefined"


"...phil-DOI} Suleiman, Camelia, Daniel C. O’
You need to provide a definition with \DeclareInputText 
or \DeclareInputMath before using this key."

This seems to indicate that the files with references are read this time,
but cannot be parsed by LyX.

I have to admit that I am beginning to doubt in the supposed advantages of
LaTeX and LyX that are so much advertised. So far I cannot view even a single
document written by the authors of LyX !


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