On Sat, 18 Feb 2012 03:28:42 -0800
Russell D Brunelle <rdb...@uw.edu> wrote:

> If you have a good idea, then there's something special (I'm almost 
> tempted to say "sacred") about committing it to paper.
> The emergence of abstract thinking was an early inflection point in
> the development of our species. The invention of written language was
> another. The invention of the printing press was yet another.
> More recently, LaTeX made professional typesetting standards
> available for free, and even more recently LyX made using those
> standards as easy as using anything else.
> I'm not saying that LyX is as significant as the printing press, only
> that there's an unbroken stream of progress which it's a proud part
> of, and for that reason I feel proud about using it.
> So, why do YOU love LyX?
> Russell

For these reasons, in approximately this order:

* Ease of authoring, authoring speed
* Stability, doesn't lose data when it crashes
* Versatile
* Native format human readable and program parsable
* Friendly, helpful community
* I like LaTeX output and LyX is a good LaTeX front end


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