Csikos Bela wrote:
> Certain character pairs look very ugly in lyx/latex output.
> For example if V is followed by Hungarian accented a or e (ie. á or é) it
> looks very ugly. See the attached lyx and pdf files.
> I know that I could use \kerning command to adjust the distance between the
> characters but how could I avoid inserting the command at every occurrence
> of such character pairs?

This looks like a problem in the kerning tables of the fonts. It seems to me 
that LatinModern does a better job at kerning these character pairs.

Fixing the kerning is difficult, see

If you need this specific font, you could define a macro such as
\newcommand\myve{V\kern-1pt é}
Where you fix the kerning for specific pairs (and sizes). A crude hack, I 

You might also check the TeXGyre Pagella font instead of Palatino. Pagella is 
a Palatino clone from the LatinModern makers.


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