Hi, I am trying to create a link in a document to an external file (an 
using the "hyperlink" feature. However after creating the link in the
document and exporting to pdf the link appears as it should in the pdf,
but I get the following error message (file name altered) 

Error stating file '/media/Nano/file:/media/Nano/bar.xls': No such
file or directory

The file exists and the source of the document reflects the correct
file path. 


The file is on an external drive,(the drive is always mounted) but
generally this shouldn't make any difference. Should it? I have created
test documents on the main hard drive with the same result. Have I
missed something here?



Alasdair Reed 
Chinese Herbal Medicine Practitioner
22 South St 
Bellingen NSW 2454

M: 0403-869-932

T: 02 8456 0988

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