On 04/03/2012 03:07 PM, Jeremy C. Reed wrote:
(responding to one item below)

On Tue, 3 Apr 2012, Richard Heck wrote:

6) The xhtml output had links to horizontal rules in my table of

<!-- Output Error: Tags still open in closeFontTags(). Probably not a
but you might want to check these tags: --><!-- Output Error: div
--><!-- Output Error: div --><!-- Output Error: Tried to close pending
tag `a' when other tags were pending. Last pending tag is
`&LyX_parsep_tag&'. Tag discarded. --><div class='lyxtoc-2'>   <a
href='#magicparlabel-236' class='tocarrow'>&gt;</a><!-- Output Error:
Closing tag `div' when other tags are open, namely: --><!-- Output
Error:&LyX_parsep_tag&   --></div>

I simple removed that line for each.

Can you provide a simple file showing the problem? This kind of thing is also
fairly easy to fix, usually.
I didn't notice before ... but now I realize that all my Section* (note
the asterisk) were added to my table of contents.  I had the following
code to put a horizontal rule before my summary at end of each chapter.
(It looks nice in my PDF.) This is what caused the above error.

It would help me debug it if you could produce a small example file that makes this happen. I'm not sure why the output mechanism is choking.

Regarding the Section* stuff in the TOC, I'm moderately surprised it did that. Does it seem right that itt should do it, or wrong? Or should it maybe be configurable?


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