On Sat, 28 Apr 2012 11:56:08 -0500
stefano franchi <stefano.fran...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sat, Apr 28, 2012 at 9:50 AM, Alasdair Reed
> <alasd...@iprimus.com.au> wrote:
> > On Sat, 28 Apr 2012 08:20:23 -0500
> > stefano franchi <stefano.fran...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >> On Sat, Apr 28, 2012 at 5:09 AM, Alasdair Reed
> >> <alasd...@iprimus.com.au> wrote:
> >>
> >> > Is that right?  Which logfile should I check?  The
> >>
> >> You can check the Latex log by going to Document>>Latex Log
> >> The first line will tell you which version of of Texlive LyX is
> >> using
> >>
> >> > dialogue /documents/settings/fonts/use non-Tex fonts via
> >> > XeTex/LuaTex, is greyed out. The package fontspec needs to be
> >> > installed to use this dialogue box, it is installed in
> >> > TexLive2011
> >> > (/usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-dist/tex/latex/fontspec/fontspec.sty)
> >> > on my system, but the box is still greyed out. Do you need to
> >> > put \usepackage{fontspec} in the preamble of every document to
> >> > use XeTex ?
> >> >
> >>
> >> Tools>>Tex information will tell you which Tex packages Lyx is
> >> Tools>>aware.
> >> If you check the box
> >> called "show path" it will tell you where the packages are.
> >>
> >> the fontspec package should be loaded automatically if you choose
> >> non-TeX fonts. You can check if that's the case by choosing
> >> View>>Source, and checking the box "Full source." Scroll back to
> >> View>>the
> >> beginning of the source doc and you should be able to see the
> >> \fontspec command.
> >>
> >> Hope it helps,
> >>
> >> Stefano
> >>
> >>
> >
> > Thanks Stefano,
> > Document >> Latex Log is greyed out
> It won't be activated until you comiple something. Create a new Lyx
> file with just a word in in it and then do View>>pdflatex (for
> instance). After successful compilaiton you should be able to see the
> log file
> > Tools >> Tex with "show path" is showing packages
> > from /usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/generic/foo/foo.sty (for example)
> > so it would seem lyx is not aware of TexLive2011 in /usr/local/
> Right, I guess the problem is that lyx finds the ubuntu packages
> before it hits texlive.
> First of all: have you reconfigured Lyx (Tools>>Reconfigure)? It may
> be all you need.
> If that does not work, a couple of options:
> 1. Uninstall the Ubuntu text-live package. This may not be feasible,
> though, because you probably have it as a dependence of Lyx and
> possibly other packages
> There is a way to replace Ubuntu's outdated texlive with a "dummy"
> package but I am afraid I forget how to do it. Other people on the
> list may know (I left Ubuntu some time ago).
> 2. Check the order of your executable path in your $PATH environmental
> variable. In fact, open a terminal and do
> $which pdflatex
> you should get something like:
> /usr/local/texlive/2011/bin/x86_64-linux/pdflatex
> and then do something like:
> $kpsewhich fontspec.sty
> and you shoud get
> /usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-dist/tex/latex/fontspec/fontspec.sty
>  If not, try
> $printenv $PATH
> Do you see the path to the texlive2011 installation occurring before
> the path to the Ubuntu installed executables?
> S.

Hi, The paths are all correct,  Starting lyx from the terminal and
reconfiguring did the trick as far as using TexLive2011 goes I just
can't start Lyx from the desktop icon if I want to use TexLive2011,
but I can live with that. It can be done but time is short . There are
other problems but I will post separate question about them. \


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