Am 08.06.2012 10:34, schrieb Rick Blok - LR:

I've attached my test file.

Thanks. This file works fine here, so strange that it doesn't for you.

Btw, what problems are there with Imagemagick when lyx is installed without 
admin rights?

Because it requires registry settings in HKLM. After discussing this with the ImAgemagick developers, they changs it but I haven't found the time to test and implement this yet.

The installer says that it can't install it, but it is in my lyx folder?

Because as user you cannot write to HKLM in the registry.

I installed lyx 203 w/o admin rights and I haven't got any problems with image 

This is because we used a self-compiled ImageMagick which doesn't require keys in HKLM. But this is no proper solution, because we would then not always up to date with the latest IM version. Moreover we should not fork programs if there are tiny problems but try to encourage the developers to fix this. Check what version of IM you have in your 2.0.3 and what in the testing 2.0.4 and you see that yours is outdated (contains even security issues).

However, with this installer I have.

Give me some time.

regards Uwe

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