
My preferred solutions are:

For a graphical interface based solution:

- Ipe can export to EPS and PDF - http://*ipe*7.sourceforge.net/  (possible
to install it in different OSs)  Ipe has a somewhat strange interface, but
it is very powerfil, when you grok it.

- JpicEdt can export to PSTRicks - http://jpicedt.sourceforge.net  (Java,
so it is compatible with your OS)  Works as it is supposed, but not really
updated anymore, I am afraid, but it is in Java, so remains perfectly

For drawing pictures by code:

- Tikz (included in your distribution as a Latex package):
http://www.texample.net/tikz/examples/ : more complex to master, but the
pure Latex solution, extremely powerful.

On OSX, I also like to use EazyDraw + LatexIt for the inclusion of the
texts and equations in the graphics.

I hope this helps.


2012/7/16 William R. Buckley <w...@wrbuckley.com>

> Working with TeX is a bit of a challenge, since it seems not to
> include much support for abstract drawing.  I have need for figures
> to appear in a paper, and am not familiar with the toolset usually
> employed for use to make drawn images suitable for use with TeX.
> Can you please make a few suggestions.
> wrb

Prof. Murat Yildizoglu

Université Montesquieu Bordeaux IV
Avenue LĂ©on Duguit
33608 Pessac cedex

Bureau : E-331




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