You're right! Mea culpa. I didn't read the original stackexchange question, and 
I should have. Apologies for the static.

From: Michael Bach <>

>Sent: Sunday, July 29, 2012 9:17 AM
>Subject: Re: Layout: ERT alignment yet again
>On 7/29/2012 6:47 PM, curtis osterhoudt wrote:
>> This *may* be what you want:
>> As it describes a more "global" way of doing things, it may override (or
>> be overridden by?) the local ERT at each inset. It's all a bit of waving
>> a dead chicken at it to me, though, and I could be way off base. Still,
>> hope it helps!
>Thanks for your input.
>As far as I can see, your link points to general LaTeX advice on the actual 
>typesetting of the captions. I use the caption package for this.
>For me, I wanted to have readable and visually different ERT and caption 
>insets within the LyX GUI - thus alignment and font size questions.
>Maybe I am missing something, but for me these layout settings do not affect 
>the pdf output. Please correct me if that is wrong / should / could be 
>different. As I said, new to LyX.

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