Eric Weir <> writes:

> On Jul 31, 2012, at 10:31 AM, Richard Heck wrote:
>> If you want to export to RTF, then you need to install latex2rtf or some 
>> similar program. But I've had better luck lately exporting to the LyXHTML 
>> format, and then loading that in LibreOffice.
> I tried opening the XHTML in OpenOffice. It reads it as a raw text document, 
> i.e., with the HTML code displayed instead of formatted. Would LibreOffice 
> handle it differently? 

I haven't used OO for some time, but as I recall the first line of an
XHTML file confuses it. Open the XHTML file with Vim or a read editor
like Emacs (sorry, couln't resist) and delete the first line.

I think you will have better luck with the Lyx -> XHTML > OO > Word
route than with other converters.


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Eric Weir
> Program and Resource Development ~ Evaluation ~ Writing
> Education ~ The Environment ~ Community Development
> 1111 Clairemont Avenue J3 ~ Decatur, GA 30030
> 404-636-6142 ~

Alan L Tyree 
Tel:  04 2748 6206

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