On 8/28/2012 5:54 PM, Michael Bach wrote:
On 8/28/2012 4:15 PM, Richard Heck wrote:

Just create a new inset by copying, e.g., the comment inset, and then
changing what needs changing. E.g., change the LaTeXName to "note", and
the name of the inset to "My Note".

Thanks for the hint Richard. I read in the `Customization´ manual that I
could add this on a per-file basis via the `Local Layout´. I tried that,
validated it via button (validate ok) and can find it now in the
paragraph style dropdown list.

Style MyNote
   Margin    Dynamic
   LatexType    Command
   LatexName    note
   Labelstring    "MyNote:"

I followed your advice plus changed LatexType to `Command´. I can now
find it in the paragraph style dropdown list at the very end.

This works well for simple \note{stuff}, but I would like to be able to
have an inset that I can insert after an itemize bullet point so that
the LaTeX looks like

\item one
\item<2-> two \note[item]<2>{Note about two}

So I went ahead, searched in the docs and the web. Then I tried to
create an inset:

InsetLayout "Note:MyNote"
   LyXType     custom
   LabelString    "MyNote:"
   Decoration    classic
   Margin    Dynamic
   LatexType    command
   LatexName    note[item]
   NextNoIndent    1
   LeftMargin    MMM
   RightMargin    MMM
   Align    Block
   AlignPossible    Block, Left, Right, Center
   LabelSep    :x
Shape    Italic
Series    Bold
Color    collapsable

         Color    magenta
     Shape    Italic

But I cannot find it under Insert > Note > ...

Where am I wrong?


Never Mind. After a bit of experimenting, I got it to work using:

InsetLayout "Flex:MyNote"
  LyXType       custom
  LabelString   "MyNote"
  Decoration    classic
  Margin        Dynamic
  LatexType     command
  LatexName     note[item]
Shape   Italic
Series  Bold
Color   collapsable
        Color   magenta
        Shape   Italic

Thanks again for your comment


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