On Mon, 25 Feb 2013 11:58:04 +0100 "Jean-Marie Pacquet j...@pacquet.net"
 sent this:

        >Le 25/02/2013 07:48, Charlie a écrit :
>>    On Sun, 24 Feb 2013 15:39:05 +0100 Jean-Marie mentioned this:
>>      Re: letter (KOMA-Script v.2) Space between closing and
>>    signature............
>>> A picture being worth a thousand words, Figure 6.1 in the
>>> scrguien.pdf is your friend.
>>    My reply follows:
>>     Hello Jean-Marie,
>>        I have seen that diagram but again don't know how to work it.
>>      The different first commands like:
>> \@addtoplength
>> or
>> \@setplength or whatever.
>Hi Charlie,
>First, as my own copy of the guide is quite old (my figure 6.1 is now 
>17.1), I updated it now from the last one dated 2012-05-15 which is
>       here: http://www.komascript.de/files/scrguien.pdf
>So the page numbers I'm using now refer to this last version of the
>       guide.
>> How does one understand these commands? How does one know which to
>>      use where?
>Read section 4.2 Pseudo-Lengths (page 135). With my words:
>All these pseudo-lengths have a default value. If you want to change 
>this default value and make it completly different you use
>       \@setplength. If you want to slightly modify it, you use
>               \@addtoplength.
>> I have attached the diagram you sent and added the commands that you
>> have helped me with in green and red.
>> I have also tried to make the signature on my letter template come to
>> the left of the page with these commands, none of which work:
>> \@setplength{sigindent}{\raggedleft} without success [...]
>> And many more, to numerous to mention here, but never the right one.
>will place the box containing the signature on the left side but this
>       is already defined in the DIN.lco
>It's probably worthwhile to make your own version of the DIN.lco that 
>you are using. Copy it under a new name (myDIN.lco f.ex.) in the 
>directory where you have your lyx letters and modify it as you wish:
>Instead of using
>after calling the original DIN.lco where this plength is set, you can 
>replace inside your new lco the
>Don't forget to call your lco file in the preamble:
>To place the signature inside the closing box on the left you have to 
>change in your lco file
>  \let\raggedsignature=\centering

Your explanation and guidance has been extremely helpful Jean-Marie.

I took your advice and tweaked the DIN.lco file and placed it in my
templates directory and added the absolute path to it in my preamble.

Again, thank you for your time and this enormous assistance.

Be well,
        Registered Linux User:- 329524

        I do not know how to distinguish between our waking life and a
        dream. Are we not always living the life that we imagine we
        are? .............Henry David Thoreau


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