On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 1:17 PM, Wolfgang Engelmann
<engelm...@uni-tuebingen.de> wrote:
> 1-
>  former lyx 2.0.5-1 created lyx files which lyx 2.0.3-3 does not take:
> Blumenuhr-neu20120302.lyx stammt von einer neueren LyX-Version, aber das
> lyx2lyx-Skript konnte das Dokument nicht konvertieren

This is strange. If you open the lyx files in a text file, what are
the first two lines of the files? For example, in one file I have:
#LyX 2.1 created this file. For more info see http://www.lyx.org/
\lyxformat 445

Also, do you mean the other way around? That lyx 2.0.3~3 created files
that lyx 2.0.5~1 can't read? This is still equally strange, but I'm
confused as to if the newer LyX you installed is 2.0.5~1 or 2.0.3~3

>  I understand, lyx2lyx could take care of it outside lyx, but
> bash: lyx2lyx: Kommando nicht gefunden
> do I have to get the prg from somewhere else or do I use it incorrectly (a
> py file?)

If it doesn't work when called from within LyX it won't work when
called outside of it.

> 2-
> I use texlive, do I have to give the path to it in the lyx file or
> additionally somewhere else?

Do you mean for lyx2lyx? I don't think lyx2lyx is supposed to be in
PATH. The LyX configure script should take care of things in general.


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