Am Thursday, 22. August 2013, 13:34:33 schrieb Csikos Bela:
> Wolfgang Engelmann <> írta:
> >Dear List
> >
> >I need the following formating in the references:
> >
> >Kronauer, R. E., Czeisler, C. A., Pilato, S. F., Moore-Ede, M. C. and
> >Weitzman, E. D. (1982) Mathematical model of the human circadian
> >system with two interacting oscillators. Am. J. Physiol. 242, 3–17.
> >
> >I use under Debian squeeze in Lyx document class> book (KOMA script)
> >class options: authoryear
> >in Bibliography Citation style: natbib style: author-year
> >
> >and get the following:
> >R. E. Kronauer, C. A. Czeisler, S. F. Pilato, M. C. Moore-Ede, and E.
> >D. Weitzman. Mathematical model of the human circadian system with two
> >interacting oscillators. AmPhysiol, 242:3–17, 1982.
> >
> >Note: The abbreviation of the Journal name is not important
> >
> >Furthermore, I need the following formating of citations in the
> >document Menaker et al. (1997) says ..
> >and
> >as mentioned (Lamprey et al. 1997).
> >what I get is
> >Menaker et al. [1997]
> >and
> >as mentioned Lamprey et al. [1997]
> >
> >The main question is, where in the net could I find examples for it to
> >figure out myself. The most urgent question is, how could I fix it.
> >Should it be done in the document class and class options and/or in
> >Bibliography Citation style or in the preamble? Do I have to use
> >makebst, or can I avoid it? How difficult is it nowadays to use
> >biblatex. I tried before but failed.
> >
> >Wolfgang

Thanks, Csikos
for your comprehensive explanation. Unfortunately, I have still questions.
> Hello:
> 1. I can't help you regarding biblatex as I don't have experience with
> it. I like to tweak bibliography styles according to my like/need, and
> I found that it is more difficult in biblatex than in bibtex with
> natbib.

So I select under tools>output>latex> Bibliography Processor > bibtex 
(or custom? or bibtex8?)
> 2. Using bibtex, the natbib package can do what you want.
> The look/style of bibliography and citations mostly will depend on 3
> things: a. The bibliography style (.bst file).
>   b. The citation command for a given citation.
>   c. The content of the bibtex database (.bib file).
> 3. Let's go through it how to get the styles you want.
> In LyX go to Document->Settings. Do not apply the class option
> 'authoryear' you mentioned. Go to 'Bibliography' and select 'Natbib'
> and 'Natbib-style: Author-Year". This loads natbib package
> automatically. Click OK or Apply.


> In the document where you want to insert your reference list, do:
> Insert->List/TOC->BibTeX bibliography. Select a style file (e.g.
> plainnat) and your bibtex database (.bib) file. Click OK.
> Next insert a citation into your document by Insert->Citation or
> clicking the insert citation icon. Select the citations, click 'Add'.


> Look at the 'Formatting: Citation style' pulldown menu in the window.
> Here you can select the style of the citation; 'Menaker et al. (1997)'
> or '(Lamprey et al. 1997)'.

Since I have over 700 citations, I used Jabref for my bibliography and 
clicked the references via the lyx-export of jabref to the corresponding 
places of my document. If I use \setcitestyle{aysep={}} instead of your 
proposed \setcitestyle{round,aysep={}}, and if I put () around the 
citation, I get what I need. But what about eg: 
(Praschak-Rieder and Willeit 2012)
and in case of three authors and more 
(Crosthwait et al. 1997)?
> By default you will get [ ] limiters, but you need ( ) instead.
> Write in your document preamble (Document->Settings->LaTeX Preamble):
> \setcitestyle{round,aysep={}}

> The aysep={} defines the separator between author and name in the
> citations.
> Now you have to adjust the references style according to your needs.
> You can try to find a .bst style file on the net and use it.
> You can also try the different style files which come with latex
> installations (plainnat, authordate, harvard etc.).
> Or you can make your own customized style by using custom-bib
> or bib-it. See this message:
> I attach a .bst file (authdate.bst) that might fit your needs.
> bcsikos

will try your style, thanks a lot


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